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Professional Platforms Week 05

Writer's picture: Gracie CollinsGracie Collins

Wednesday 17th February 2021

Guest Speaker - Grace Wilson

Before today's session with Grace Wilson, we were sent some instructions to do before the session. We have been asked to watch a short 10 minute video that Wilson prepared prior to her guest lecture, this video just introduced her work and what kind of ceramics and comics she makes along with a little more information about her. Then she finished the video by asking students to come prepared with pens, pencils, different coloured post it notes if possible and paper. This is to be able to start story telling in the session that will take place today, Wilson would like us to start thinking of a short story that could be something we are already working on or something new. I have never really worked on story telling or even creating story boards so I am a little worried about this task just as I feel my mind isn't that creative to think on the spot. However I have started by creating a few pages of imagery, references and colour palettes for help in a story I can work with. This will be a task on developing a story by planning and constructing an idea and this seems like a great way to pitch ideas for audiences. Having a way to categories and plan is essential with story telling and creating story boards need this plan and structure to flow fluently.

Collins, G (2021). [Online image mood board].

Wilson, G University of Huddersfield. (2021,02,16) Week 05 - Preparation. Brightspace.


Starting the session with another small brief introduction into Wilson's work and the way she comes up with her comic stories and artwork. Grace asked the group to create a narrative of someone that is relevant to our projects or someone fictional that relates with the creative pathway we are learning. So, chose to think in the mind set of a salon owner from March 2020 to now, trying to understand the emotion and actions that would need to be taken throughout a year during a global pandemic. I started by researching key dates from the past year starting in March 2020 when the first national lockdown was announced in the UK, I then started to use post it notes to filter dates, emotion and actions in this mind set of the owner.

Layout of mindmap task for Wilson's session

The images above show a brief timeline of Covid-19 for beauty businesses in the UK and the ket dates in the pink post it notes with emotional feelings in the green and the business actions taken in the orange. This was something that I found quite easy to create and a way in which I can plan and structure my project better, having this organisation of dates and key information in a simple way to view. Next, it was time to show our storyboards or image mind maps from the task a few days before. After sending these into our Microsoft teams chat channel, they were picked out for Grace Wilson to view and ask us any questions based on the images she was viewing. When my mood board was loaded onto the screen for the group to view I was able to explain the reasons behind the images that I have chosen, like the emotional illustrations and the fact they are included to show the different levels of frustration and anger at the fact beauty salons are classed as non essential and they must reopen last. Grace had some great things to add to my project, asking how I can show this emotion in a photographic sense and loved the idea of me creating a zine on the beauty industry and the issues and struggles it's faced over the year.

Collins, G (2021). [Online image mood board]. Shared to Microsoft Teams.

looking back on this weeks session with Grace has been really informative and been a new learning curve in working with story boards and story telling for a project. This isn't something that I have thought about before and I like the idea of structuring my work in a visual way and I will be planning my work load in better ways to keep track of my planning and project.

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