Wednesday 17th March 2021
Today we started with a discussion from Dale Holmes and Embodiment practice, looking at how our mind and brain can be different but the same thing. How can the mind effect your mood and how your brain can keep functioning and how they control our bodies and our function and characteristics as a human being, what makes me, me. It's having that feeling of mind over matter and having that discussion surrounding it.
After the session in the morning we moved onto a digital poster workshop with Ashleigh Dussie an MA graphic design student on the course, Ashleigh is highly talented and has started her own studio and design network @-co-creative that you can find on Instagram.
She wanted us to start thinking on creating posters surrounding words that start with 'CO' like, communication, collaborative, cohesive, command and construct.
Then Ashleigh asked the group 'what is a poster?' and the first thing that came to mind to me was information, that posters provide a time, place and date for an event or function. They are decorative, public, communicative, a way to advertise with images and text together. they can be colourful or black and white and placed nearly anywhere in any size.
University of Huddersfield. (2021,3,17) Ashleigh Dussie Co poster workshop. Microsoft Teams
After looking at some of the artists designs Ashleigh had told us about I started to think of colours and designs for my final project, thinking of hair salon posters and designs to research into and create some of my own for next term. Chris on the photography MA and friend asked if me and Shauna on the MA graphic design could send him some samples of our images and work so he could merge the images together for his 'Collaborative' poster.
Nutton, C. (2021). Collaborative [Digital college].