28th October 2020
This week on the creative innovation module we were all clear to meet up on the university campus for a day of visiting the Temporary Contemporary market space and meet with Robin from Kirklees Council. The day started at 9am in the Barbara Hepworth building on campus, meeting face to face for the first time with Roddy, Simon and our group members from 1B. Our group started the day by walking over to the Queensgate market and meeting up with Robin from the council, he took 5 minutes of showing us around the temporary contemporary creative space whilst answering questions from Simon and the group. After, we started walking to the piazza units that are available to us for our project, we visited units 3,16 and 35. Using my camera, I took images of all the unit spaces and documented the way the room felt and tried to envision what our service would look like in each space. We spent time working out the practical space for social distancing, all kinds of disability access and equipment access for our business and reached an agreement that unit 16 was the better space for us to use, we liked the style of the room and felt it wasn't to small to have public socially distanced.
Images by me of the Temporary Contemporary Gallery and some images of the unit space that we were able to view for our project.
After our meeting with Robin, we walked back to campus as a group and met with Roddy Hunter our lead tutor for the project. We sat socially distanced and started to go through the arts council questions that Roddy had on his laptop whilst Shauna and Chris started to answer and fill out notes on a sharded google document. Having this shared session with Roddy is to help us as a team fill in the Temporary Contemporary request form with as much detail and accuracy as possible. Some points to think about from the session; who’s the audience and is there an age range? This was a great session of working in a physical space, meeting my team members and generating a very informational document to help with our development and structure of Hereafter.
Image captured by Jocelyn - Chris, Jack and me.
After the session was over with tutors, we said our goodbyes and planned a meeting the same day for 3pm. This meeting was to go over and discuss everything that had happened during the day and develop our market request form. After completing the form, we moved onto the week’s tasks and collaborations for the week, for example Chris was to continue working on a final logo along with the group website and my tasks included staying on top of the groups Instagram, completing the Gantt chart for the group and generally making notes and creating collaboration between the creatives. Along with individual tasks we have a few group tasks of sending personal practice work to Jack and Chris for the video game and website, along with collaborating with each other.
Notes written by me and shared with the group.
Reflecting back on the day, I found meeting everyone face to face to be a great way of making our group even stronger from that physical connection. Meeting and discussing our project with Roddy and Simon made the group on a whole feel a lot more confident in our work as we were able to articulate our business idea clearly. We go into next week with a stronger understanding of our business and the questions that come with this, along with strong development progress from all the team members.